There are so many posts where I have been a blogging drop-out, then tried to redeem myself and state, "This time, I will be more faithful to my online journal." Yada, yada, yada...I'll believe it when I see it!
Here is a Halloweenie (or maybe a better word is, "Fall Festival," pic of my little sweetie pies. This shot was taken in our church parking lot.

Mmmm...we have from left to right, Hollywood Kitty, California Kitty, and Pretty Kitty. I made the older girls put a t-shirt under their costume, because it was not very modest up top. Besides the idea of me making them costumes, there are no selections when it comes to costumes for the girls. We've made the outfits before, but they have always been princesses. That is getting kind of boring! The ones we found were either too babyish, or too skimpy(more for teens or adults) I can't understand who would even let their teen daughter go out of the house in some of the costumes! People seemed to be getting barer all the time these days.