Saturday, November 24, 2012

Wake-Up Call in the Blink of an Eye~

As Thanksgiving week comes to a close, I find I am more thankful than usual.  Yes, I am thankful for many things, but so many times we just ride through life taking those things for granted. Sometimes we need a, "Wake-up Call," to bring our life back into focus.  Our family received a LOUD wake-up call Monday night, November 19, 2012.

Although I am not the first to have ever been involved in something traumatic, it's amazing how something like this makes you reflect back on your life...and how you are living it. Am I living on auto-pilot or truly living for God? What a wake-up call!
* Thanks to my God, that allowed Haleigh, Malia, and I, more precious time on this earth. He still has work for us to do. May we not fail Him in our tasks to glorify HIM. I am ultimately thankful that Haleigh and Malia were not hurt worse than they were.
* Thanks to my Mama, Daddy , Tony, Mom (Ms. Alice), and my girls, for putting up with me in more ways they ever dreamed they would have to. I love them so much and their love for me was shown through all they had to deal with. Thanks for my brothers calling to check in on me to make sure I was alright.
* Thank you to friends and family that came by to visit me, as well as those who stopped by to check on my two sick babies at home and take them soup, even though they were risking the flu or a severe cold.
* Thank you, Hannah, for caring for Holleigh, even though you were not feeling well. You proved yourself mature beyond your years, but I hope never to place that task on you again.
* Thank you for the prayers of my friends and family, those who called, sent texts, Facebook posts, made hospital and home visits. All was appreciated more than you will ever know.
* I am thankful for ambulance drivers/first responders, firefighters, etc. for quickly removing us from the chaos and hospital staff, nurses, doctors, etc. for caring for us. Also, two nurses in particular, Dinah and Mrs. Mary Ann, that came through just to check on us.
Hopefully, I have not left a thank-you out. We continue to ask for your prayers as we are still healing, physically and emotionally, from all this. Everything happened in the blink of an eye and things are still being sorted out.  May God's glory shine in all of this and may we continue to praise HIM in this storm!

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