Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July

We are grilling out at my parents' house today. Maybe it will not rain. There was a terrible thunderstorm last night.
Tony woke early this morning to go play golf with my dad, two of my brothers, and my two little nephews(ages 8 and 6). He hasn't played in so long...I hope he does well! His golf clubs have been in the outside storage shed untouched for SEVERAL years. When he pulled them out, the clubs were covered in rust! He said I could buy him some new ones for our upcoming anniversary. LOL Yeah right, babe, sit back and wait for them! The clubs he thought he wanted are called, "Callaway?" Not sure, but they are supposed to be expensive. I'd have to save up a while on my 2 day a week job! Guess it's coming out of his paycheck! Nothing is ever a surprise to him. He buys what he wants when he wants it. I never seem to know what to get him. He bought an AquaVu for Father's day.

It is an underwater video camera that helps him to see the fish underwater. I thought to myself..."WOW! Now maybe he can win some tournaments!" Nope, No Mam, Sorry...You can't use them in a fishing tournament--it's called "cheating." Okay, SO WHY DO YOU WANT TO SPEND $500 JUST TO LOOK AT THE FISH IN THE WATER! ARRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
Oh well, he's happy, I'm happy, and we're broke. Life goes on until his next big toy. Isn't life grand?

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

God Grant Me Strength

The girls and I are at home and of course they are arguing! We've been so busy running everywhere and we finally get a day at home together(even though we are having to clean!) and all they can do is fuss! UGGHHH! Why can't sisters be loving towards each other? All I can do is keep reciting, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:19" Maybe I can say it enough today to get me through the day with patience!
We are getting ready to go to Children's church camp for a couple of days. The older two girls are excited! The baby is unable to go because she hasn't made it to the 3rd grade yet. It's only for 3rd through 6th graders. So she gets to hang out with Daddy for a couple of days. He has promised to take her fishing, to the movies, and to Chuck E. Cheese. I sure hope he doesn't go back on his word. She will be devastated! Holleigh is looking forward to the weekend with her daddy!
Other things planned for the remainder of this FLYBY summer is:
Baton Rouge trip for the girls
GA camp for Hannah
Disney World trip for Tony and I --14th Wedding Anniversary (Yes...without the girls! They are not too happy with us, but we did take them for 10 days during Spring Break!)