Monday, October 03, 2011

My Monday Madness

Usual Monday...late for work, coworker issues, and stress from the doctors in clinic.
Then a busy evening of a quick supper before heading out to my daughter's football game. Thank goodness I made some healthy food choices early in the day. Unfortunately, by the time this evening rolled around, I had only racked up 16 minutes of a brisk walk, and overate my share at the supper table.
My positive outlook for today? I got 16 minutes of a brisk walk and even though I overate my share of supper...I'm still under my calories goal of 1300! And it was my daughter's last football game to cheer for this season! More time added to my weeks now!

I CAN DO THIS! By God's power in me...He will strengthen me!
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

emoticon I'm going to kick this Monday's Madness out the door!

Sunday, October 02, 2011

For My Girls...

Okay...for my husband, too! Ultimately, for me. Time to lose the rest of this weight-- Physical weight and emotional weight.
Here I go again! Praying for strength that THIS time I will stick to a healthy eating and exercise plan. Of course, prayer is all I need, but I'm sure God wants me to do my part in making the right choices. My health has been such an issue since 1995, but I can't seem to shake the weight to improve it. My willpower is pretty much non-existent.
Plexus Slim has been helping control my appetite, but since I didn't take it yesterday or today, I've not fared so well. Tomorrow, I will start back into an exercise program. I've joined the Rookie to 5K Plan on Spark People to keep track of how I'm doing and have some sort of plan in place with certain goals to achieve.
It is way past bedtime so I'll close for now. I'll have to start getting to bed at a decent hour as well. No sleep makes me want to binge!