Thursday, September 15, 2005

Blog Vacation

It seems I have taken a "blog vacation"! My website and my blogs( there are several!) have been neglected. This blog only has 2004 Archives. There are more 2005 Archives, but they are located under "Old Blog" on my Links section to the left. There just hasn't been anytime then whenever there is time, I keep changing the site themes! Sometimes I just get obsessed over something for a while then it burns out. For instance, I recently rediscovered The FIRM videos and Fanny Lifter again. I bought a set a few years ago off of an infomercial. That was the first time I ever purchased from television. The videos lasted for a week...or I guess I lasted for a week---not even that long! Oh, and I guess my daughters rediscovered the videos. The tapes were happily collecting dust on my desk before my girls plucked them from their comfortable existence. I was happily collecting dust on the couch...errr...becoming a couch potato! Monday, September 12, 2005 changed everything. My three girls did about 4 workout videos(these tapes are 45-55 minutes long each) while I watched them sweat to the (oh that's Richard Simmons--we don't have his tapes!) I tried to tell the girls that you only have to do 1 tape per day, but they were so gung-ho! Anyway, the girls stayed the night with their grandmother on Monday night while I went to work. Tuesday, after I had my usual 4-5 hours snooze after working all night, I sat on the couch and began feeling guilty. What kind of example was I providing for my daughters? Do I really want to pass on the legacy of an overweight mom, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol? I lost my mother at an early age due to her death...did I want my girls to grow up without their mother? Certainly not! I can already see certain habits of mine radiating from them. Well, I lifted my fanny off of the couch and worked out. It was really exhilarating! Even though I was about to fall out due to being out of shape---it still felt great physically and emotionally.The FIRM website has video rotations to follow for different fitness levels. I exercised Tuesday, rested yesterday, and will exercise today. I pray that I stick with it this time!

Monday, April 04, 2005

Weekend Recap

Saturday went well...busy, but we were able to do everything! I came home and absolutely crashed. I was in bed by 11:00 p.m. and that is a RARE occurrence! I even remembered to forward my clocks an hour for Daylight Savings Time!
We made it to Sunday School on time. This is the second week that has happened so I guess I'm on a roll! I've really missed Sunday School. It was my Sunday to teach Children's Church. We are studying Psalm 23 and talking about God as a shephed and we are His sheep. The kids made little sheep bodies with cotton balls and we outlined their little hands on black paper, cut them out, and used the thumb to paste the sheep's head on, and the other four fingers were the sheep's legs. It was too cute. The kids had fun. After church, we went to lunch at Tony's mom's house. She cooked a big pot of red beans and rice, fresh baked cornbread, peach cobbler, coconut cream pie, and a chocolate cream pie(she knows I don't like coconut!) My diet was kind of "nonexistent" Sunday. I couldn't let all that good food go to waste! LOL Haleigh invited a friend over and all of the girls played pretty well. We headed back to church about 4:30 p.m.---Discpleship training starts at 5:00 p.m., evening worship at 6:00 p.m.
Tonight I am at work. I arrived in early at work---boy that blew everyone's minds! I'll be leaving early, too!
I approached Tony about homeschooling all of the girls. It seems like we are back on negative terms as far as all that goes. I guess I knew he'd never go for it, but it is going to cause problems between us in the long run. Homeschooling is what I've decided is best for my children, but I guess I just need to pray about it more. Maybe Tony will come around on the issue. I'm really having a problem with his demands and the outcome does not look pretty.
I've tried to start up my personal Bible study time again. This month, I am reading Beth Moore's book, Breaking Free. I certainly could break free from some obstacles in my life. It's talking about being captive as a Christian. I'm trying to memorize the scripture passages for it. It's been so long since I have had to memorize scripture, but I need to be continously learning it and using it as a Christian.

That's all for now. I have to go do a little bit of patient care now!
Good night!~

Friday, April 01, 2005

Updates over the last couple of weeks...

The girls are all asleep in the den. We made the couch bed out and Haleigh and Holleigh are sleeping on the couch cushions together. I wish my camera was charged! I should be in bed, but I really am enjoying the quietness. I also, should be having my quiet time/prayer time now. For some reason, it is times like this when the entire house is quiet and it is late at night, that I feel closest to God. It's almost like He can hear me without listening to He is sitting in my living room! Well technically He is, but you know what I mean! Now if I hear that "still small voice" I may just fall out of my chair!
I have been on a Medifast diet since the end of January, but I had lost a lot of weight when we all had the flu for 2 weeks. Altogether, I have lost 20 pounds since December. My goal is to lose 30 more or at least 25 more. It's been tough, but I am really trying this time. I don't like being overweight!

I have changed my site again. Same web addy, just changed back to my purple! It may change altogether if I go into some type of home business.
I'm about to venture into some direct selling businesses, but I haven't quite figured out which one yet. I'm still trying to narrow it down. Just wish I was talented enough to do ideas on my own!
It is time for me to take advantage of an early bedtime hour. Gee---bet it will feel wonderful to go to bed this early!
Here is our schedule for tomorrow:

8:00-10:00 Haleigh's softball practice
10:00-12:00 Holleigh's t-ball practice
After practice, grab a bite for lunch and away we go again...
2:00-4:00 Hannah's softball practice
2:00-4:00 Haleigh and Holleigh have a birthday party to attend
Home again, Home again, jiggity jig!
Tony should be home from the coast about 5:00 and there is no telling where we might go after that!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Working tonight~

I'm at work tonight, but I'm also looking for something that I can do on the side for extra cash, in the even I ever get to go part time or completely stay at home with my children. I'm looking into the Homeaker's Idea Company and I just LOVE all of the things that they have to buy! I would probably be a "broke" consultant! LOL Anyway, I'm going to discuss this with Tony later on tomorrow.
We have an appointment with the accountant tomorrow for our taxes. I'm so nervous!!!! Mainly because we haven't kept very good receipts, but we have purchased a trailer, computer, and All-In-One printer for our business. I hope things go well. We've never had to pay IN taxes. We have always held out more from our checks. We have just had a lot of changes with my work and all so we shall see!
I forgot that I need to update my tBlog to let everyone know I've switched over to my own server now. Then I'll have to transfer all of my archives over (if I can ever get that figured out!)
Well, guess I better find something to do that is productive here!

Good night!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Sunday laziness...

We've all been lazy today. First, we missed church---we really need to get back because we have missed out several Sundays. We do go on Wednesday nights, but still not the same! Lunch was eaten at Tony's mom's home. All in all, it was a nice afternoon. Then we came home---ughh! Messy house, loads of clothes, and whiny kids who didn't want to help! These things do not make for a nice, quiet evening at home. I need to start back on the Flylady stuff again. My moods go through spurts--mainly because I want to sleep all day due to working nights at the hospital! My body clock is ALL messed up! Oh well~guess I need to get back to cleaning! Tony had a phone call so I took a break as well. The longer I sit here, the less I want to get back to cleaning.

Finally hosting on my own site!

I've finally figured out how to post on my own site with the help of Blogger. There are still bugs I need to fix, but maybe it will all work! I will eventually have to transfer all of my posts from tBlog and then get rid of that blog. tBlog is SO unstable and then you can't get any type of support--and I paid for that blog! UGHHH!
I'll post later!