Saturday, January 03, 2004

Still feeling yucky! My fever stays down only when I eat Advil like candy! Gosh! The girls were wild today! I'm so glad they finally went to bed. I did not know how much more I could take of their girlish antics! They go back to school Monday. Yippee! I did not get to do all that I had hoped to do with them. Life seems to go by so fast.
Tony came back from fishing early in the afternoon and was on a rampage because the house was a mess. I'm thinking, "OK, next time, keep you tail at home!" I just told him he could always go stay at his mom's. He hushed then, but was a jerk the rest of the evening. When he was sick, he wanted me to fix his soup for him, he just told me there was soup in the pantry. That's ok, maybe I won't be so "giving" from now on!
I guess I need to try and sleep some. I've been laying around all day, I felt I just needed to move around some.

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