Monday, January 05, 2004

January 5, 2004 1:24 PM
I work nights in Respiratory Care because I chose to do so. It is a lot more money, but I am about to make some changes! I also work 12 hour shifts at a time. I am tired of sleeping all day and missing out on a lot with my kids. I don't know if I could go back to an 8-5 job though! I enjoy my days off too much, but I am considering that change also so that I can be on sort of the same schedule as my family. Working nights is not for the married! It is so hard on a marriage. I've been through this sort of thing before...with the same husband and it almost ruined us...well that and a lot of other things that went on! That is another story! I really want to be a SAHM, but I have to provide the health insurance for my family. My husband is now a self-employed electrician, because construcition slumps kept causing lay-offs. He's been laid off every year from August to November for the past 2 years. This year he decided to work for himself, that way even though he may not have commercial things going on, there is still always residential things whether people building homes, or needing rewiring done. He is a union electrician--I thought that was supposed to be a good thing! So far we've not seen the good in getting laid off!Oh well! Think about me as I decide what changes I need to make!

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